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And an example of the audiograms that are delivered for families as part of the Life Story Package
“What delighted me so much is that you were interested, Stephen.“
-John (Dad)
“This experience gave me the opportunity to share my story with my son in a way that everyday life never allows. It’s a priceless gift, allowing him to truly know me, my past, and the lessons I’ve learned."
— David (Dad)
“For years, I’d thought about writing a memoir for my family but never got around to it. This experience gave me the prompt and structure I needed—something I’ll be forever grateful for. It’s a gift I now know I’ll leave behind.”
— Jon (Dad)
“I haven’t stopped reflecting on yesterday morning. What an amazing hour. Thank you so much. You rock and what you’re doing for other people totally rocks too. Yesterday’s blown my mind a little. Bits I missed, bits I want to answer better, bits I can’t wait to find out more about. Thank you.”
— Simon (Son)
“I loved the idea from the start and even though Dad & I are close, the experience uncovered so much I didn’t know and might never have known - for that I am grateful. And I actually think the value of these recordings is only going to grow and become more special in years to come.”
— Sam (Son)